Monday, September 7, 2015

Brainstorming Storybooks Topics

After being encouraged to continue writing about Persephone I've been thinking about different myths she could be involved in and since this class is Mythology and Folklore it gives me A LOT of options and I'm not exactly sure which way to go yet.  

Topic: Origin Story 
Comments: This would maybe be a good start since not everyone is familiar with the story of Persephone.  That was the biggest comment about my Storybook in Indian Epics and this could be kind of be a prequel.  
Possible Stories: Since I would put my spin on it that Persephone and Hades would eventually find love kind of like Khal Drogo and Daenerys.  The different chapters would probably focus on Persephone living with her mom, Persephone being abducted, Persephone living with Hades and then the last one would be her finding peace before returning to her mother. 
Sample Story Comments: In the past I read a YA novel about the retelling of Persephone and Hades.  It features her mother as very domineering and not letting her experience anything in life.  So this is where I got my idea in my other storybook that after her abduction she is finding life in the world of the dead.  
Bibliography Information: Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton (2009).

(Persephone cover page from Amazon.)

Topic: Orpheus and Proserpina
Comments:  This would feature Proserpina and the tale of Orpheus going to the Underworld.  I would research some more about Roman myths versus Greek.  Since Persephone and Proserpina are basically the same goddess but there would be some differences!! 
Possible Stories:  Everything would take place from Orpheus's point of view and it would be his journey to the Underworld.  I previously established what parts of the Underworld were like through Persephone's dialogue to Sita in my other storybook, so this would tie into it by Orpheus actually seeing and interacting with it.  He's one of the only people who can because very few can make it out of the Underworld alive.  Proserpina is not a prominent part of Orpheus's story, but I would try to make her a much more fleshed out character.  
Sample Story Comments: In the legend, it's Proserpina who is charmed by Orpheus's music!  So she is the one who ends up saving his life by letting him get back to the land of the living.  However, we know he doesn't follow the one rule she gives him... It would be awesome to expand on such a pivotal moment in a storybook.  
Bibliography Information: Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Tony Kline (2000).

Topic: Pirithous in the Underworld
Comments: This is the story that made me like Hades and think that he wasn't a terrible person.  He is the only god that stays loyal to his wife and is very angry when Pirithous tries to take her away from him.  
Possible Stories:  It would be interesting to see this tale from Persephone's point of view and what it would be like to have two visitors like Pirithous and Theseus in the underworld.  Ultimately this would not end well for Pirithous, but maybe this could be a story to make Hades more likable.  
Sample Story Comments: I love that in some legends the two friends are received with welcome arms to the Underworld and invited to sit at the dinner table.  This could be so suspenseful and I feel like even though there's little material there's a lot to work with.  
Bibliography Information:  Pirithous "The Chair of Forgetfulness". 

Topic: Psyche coming to Persephone 
Comments: This could also relate to my past storybook of women in mythology having conversations except these two actually talked!!  
Possible Stories:  I would want to greatly expand on this interaction and maybe have Persephone withhold the box of beauty and make Psyche explain to her what is going on.  Persephone would understand that people do crazy things for love and ultimately wish her luck and send her on her way.  
Sample Story Comments:  I couldn't really find any sample stories expanding on the two of them.  But that means there is plenty of room for interpretation!! 
Bibliography Information:  Cupid and Psyche unit from Apuleius's Golden Ass, as translated into English by Tony Kline (2013).

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