Thursday, August 27, 2015

Exploring the UnTextbook

Here are some of my thoughts on interesting stories that are in the Untextbook. 

Week 2: The one that stuck out to me was Jewish Fairy Tales because I took a Jewish Literature last year.  I'm also a sucker for any kind of fairy tales, so it was awesome to see that legends like the "Bogey-Man" exist in Jewish Fairy tales!  Judaism is one of the world's oldest religions, so Jewish fairy tales literally have all the material in the world. 

Week 4: I obviously had to choose the Ramayana because I was in the Indian Epics class last semester!  I had never heard of Rama until the class but now I truly think of him as one of literature's most fascinating heroes.  You really see his rags to riches story and then his fall from grace.  I feel like he is a character that people can debate and have lots of opinions on! 

Week 6:  A unit that caught my eye was Brer Rabbit from Africa because it reminded me of the Br'er Rabbit from Disney.  I had no idea this character was from Africa, but it really does make sense now.  I love discovering the roots of characters and their existence in other cultures. 

 (Cover image of a Brer Rabbit children's book from Pinterest.)

Week 8:  I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but I clicked on tales from the Pacific Northwest since I read Twilight and there's a story about "The Third Wife" from Native Americans.  These tales do not deal with the reasoning behind why vampires hate werewolves, but maybe in years to come I won't have to be embarrassed to admit I enjoyed the story of "How Dog Stole Fire."  

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