Sunday, October 18, 2015

Famous Last Words for Week 8

Well it's my senior year and midterm week is still the worst thing ever.  I don't even want to think about how many hours I did homework this week.  It was like all my teachers got together and coordinated their test schedules.  Like could just one of my professors have been like "Well I bet they have a lot going on around this time I'll push my test back."  

But thankfully, I survived and completed countless homework assignments, an essay, a storybook entry, 2 midterm tests and will be starting on a research paper later today.  

When the weekend finally came I was too tired to actually do anything fun so I basically just chillaxed the ENTIRE time.  I never got bored because this is just something that I simply never do.  I wanted to get some things accomplished this weekend and I got none of them done.  Honestly it was amazing.  

I mainly spent the weekend re-watching Park and Recreation (which was one of the best decisions I have made lately) and sleeping.  However, on Saturday night I attended an OU Musical.  They put on "Ragtime" the musical and it was amazing.  I was so moved by some of the performers.  As soon as I got home I started googling things about the show to learn more about it!  

If you’ve never heard of the show, it’s about three different groups living in the United States during the early 20th century and features historical figures like Harry Houdini, Booker T. Washington and J.P. Morgan.  The three groups are African Americans, Eastern European immigrants and upper-class suburbanites.  The cast at OU did such a great job.  It really pulled on my heart strings.  And unfortunately mainly of the problems featured in this musical still exist today. 

(Personal photo of " Ragtime The Musical's" playbill taken in October 2015.)

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